Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Conversation

The incident took place on a hot summer afternoon as I was strolling down a hill, on my way home. The sun was blistering overhead, but I was well protected from its harsh rays by the huge banyan trees that lined the paved street. The vast shade of the age-old trees formed a protective covering, filtering the sun’s rays as they touched my shoulders in green-yellow hues. A slight breeze swayed their boughs as the wind intertwined between the locks of my hair. It was an ideal afternoon- an afternoon of bliss, joy and calm. And it gave me an opportunity to drift off into my mind’s palace as my heart danced to the tunes of the chirping birds. I was oblivious to the world around me.
My reverie was interrupted by two loud voices drifting down the street-as I focused I saw two girls, not more than 15; what was appalling was not the decibel of their tones but rather the subject of their conversation. One of the girls was proclaiming about her “crazy teacher in college” and her problems with her 4th and 5th boyfriend. The conversation ended with-" I sometimes feel like killing myself”
What might have not seemed worthy of attention to a passer-by, left me speechless and shattered the windows of the fortress I was off dreaming in.
Does the word “life” have so little meaning now? What can be so huge that can make somebody say that?
I came to the conclusion that people might have a misconception about the so-called “problems”. Don’t get me wrong-I under no circumstance claim to have found an answer to the mystery behind the word “life”. I merely desire to make an observation on the attitude prevailing nowadays.People run away at the slightest hint of a problem-be it at work, with their friends, family or their companion. The divorce and suicide rates seem to be inching upwards. This is how I perceive it----
You are always going to have problems. It is the problems that make you cherish joy to a greater extent. You dance around and enjoy the reds, yellows and oranges of spring even more after enduring the biting frost of winter. You don’t welcome it by running away to another country till winter passes. Let’s give the people in our life a chance; let’s sit down like rational human beings and work through our problems; let’s look at things from a different perspective. You only emerge stronger and in more instances than not, at peace with yourself.
“LE BONHEUR EST UNE CHOISI”- Happiness is a choice. It is a state of mind. You can find it only within yourself; it’s yours if you choose to. You can be happy even in the worst crisis; it does not make the situation go away but gives you the strength to face it. People who have not even got their driver’s license walk around with the weight of the world on their shoulders. According to me, a situation should be looked upon as an enriching experience – Don’t smell fear and run off. I am going to end on a satirical note by saying
“What doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger”.

1 comment:

  1. very insightful article.....love the language, the lesson and the flow of the post. look forward to more!!
