Friday, August 9, 2013

We live in a strange, strange world. Every morning we pick up the newspaper and read about some natural calamity and it's all linked to one base- global warming. It's a world that is supposed to strike fear in our hearts because if findings are to be believed; global warming threatens are very survival. It signifies the end of everything that we have worked hard to build over the centuries. Despite all this; we pay no attention to the threat. We read the articles and the statistics and flip the page of the paper to read about other "interesting news". In the back of our heads we are all probably thinking about how we need to make changes to save the environment.......and how we will start making the change "tomorrow", or some of us just label it as "mindless statistics". If we were to go to the root of this mind set, there is only one answer or emotion that responds-greed. We live in a world fuelled by greed. Greed to have more money, greed to own a bigger house or a bigger car or greed to achieve "something", that will prove our worth to the people around us. Because is that not what we have learnt from the time we were children? The need to impress to attain the respect and attention of society? Hey I am not saying we should not go out and achieve our dreams. I am all for it. Remember the saying "Drops of water make an ocean"? We would hear it in school on a daily basis when our parents wanted us to study on a daily basis instead of attempting to cram a 300 page textbook in our heads one day before the exam. Of course as impudent little children we would dismiss it as our parents being "boring", but here's the funny thing-it works!!!! You'll must be impatient by now to hear the analogy I'm trying to draw, so let me cut to the chase. There are millions of us on this planet-many have left and there are many more to come. What if each of us made a conscious decision to become a drop? We as the human race would become a huge ocean- an ocean of change. But this change would be a positive change- a change not only to protect and preserve the nature but also ourselves. Let us use the technology and progress that we have so long coveted to preserve nature and not use it to stand in the midst of ruin and ultimately be wiped off the face of the planet ourselves. We are all aware that we must do something to remedy the wrong or in other words "cut our losses", but we are willing to do so only after we buy a bigger , a bigger car or get the coveted corner office. We want global warming to hold off it's destruction until we achieve our dreams and as long as our near and dear ones are safe. I am not going to sit here and give a sermon about how technology is bad and we should resist the its evil claws of destruction. Technology is good. It has helped us save lives. I realise here that I have used the word "change" and I want to admit that the word can have different connotations. But are we not the ones who have induced the negative aspect of change. Let's all just pause here for a minute and imagine the house and the car and the office- we are so focused on the main theme that we do not notice the surrounding. People reach the pinnacle of success and desire to go back and live a peaceful life in the calm of nature. Where as there are those who that are already working hard to leave it and then lament on what they have left behind. It is a classic case of the grass being greener, but the question is what if there is no lush grass to be greener?

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